Newsletter Fall 2023
Yoga Off The Mat
As we break out our morning sweatshirts and evening cozy slippers, I realize that I always love the change of season. As Mary Oliver wrote, “Pay Attention. Be Astonished.” Whether it is the transition from Summer sweat to Fall fireplaces, or from those brilliant Fall leaves to fun Winter sledding days, or Winter wool sweaters to the Spring scent of fresh grass growing… I always appreciate the change of seasons as the refreshing feeling of change. Blame the yoga teacher in me, but I’m generally a big NO to living in the status quo and a big YES to living from curiosity. You get a change of seasons just about 4 times per year (my CA and FL friends - subtle for you!) - consider the change of seasons can be your calendar reminder to pause and take stock of what’s going on in your life. To embrace, or even seek out, change and new perspectives. Try this exercise that I recently offered to kick off retreat inquiry work:
Take a few minutes to write a “state of the union” in the following areas:
Mental Health
Spiritual Health
Physical Health
Day to day habits
Where is there not much happening that is positive? Where are you sleeping, or coasting along? On the flip side - where are you wide awake, in the work, curious and improving? What do you want to fuel this season? Where are you up to something BIG? Highlight a few areas that could use a tune up and give yourself a big star for the areas where you’re already working and growing. Leave this inventory exercise with some action items and new awareness of opportunities for growth.
Highlight Pose - Forward Fold Variations
I am constantly in the work on my yoga mat to release in my hamstrings and low back, and the forward folds that are embedded towards the end of the Vitality part of Journey Into Power really get that job done! My favorite aspect of forward folds is that the opportunities are endless to be creative and listen to your body to get what you need to get out of it. I am fond of telling my students that a variation in ANY pose doesn’t have to have a Sanskrit yoga name or be “official” - the measure is whether you’re in the work and can feel it. Here are my top 3 tips in your forward folds when you get to stay for 5 or more breaths:
Congratulations on being able to touch your toes, yogi - now soften your knees! Bringing some “water” to your joints will allow you to get into your muscles and explore instead of hanging out with locked knees. Get curious even by generously bending and straightening your knees to discover where you get the most access to opening and release in your low back and hamstrings.
Play with variations in your hands and arms - fingers to toes, hands under feet, opposite elbows behind your knees, interlaced hands behind you, or even just a simple bind with palms to calves. Try them all on and, most importantly, stop and stay awhile where you find your body react, and hold there. This is where the work is.
Use Drishti - where you set your gaze makes a big difference in how much you will get out of this (or any) pose. While you may be tempted to look forward at your toes, move your drishti back between your legs to the back of your mat. This will encourage your upper body to fold deeper, and allow you to release more in your head and neck.
*Wring Out 2023 begins December 1st! Scroll back up for all of the details at the top of the newsletter. Join me for the powerful 4th year of this program to use the last month of 2023 to stay focused, energized, healthy, and present during the busy holiday season. NEW for 2023 - daily text or GroupMe chat check-in (your choice) to keep you engaged! Register here.
*I’ll be serving on a panel of entrepreneurs and business owners at Greensboro Day School on Wednesday November 15th with McLendon Speaker Christian Talbot. He will work with student teams to use generative AI to identify a challenge impacting society and then work collaboratively to devise solutions and present them to our panel. If you live in Greensboro, consider coming to hear about AI and how it will impact our kids when Mr. Talbot speaks to the public that evening.
*Winter 2024 retreats - my 2 winter retreats to Topia Retreat Center in Es Pescadero, MX are sold out. Message me to get on the wait list in case someone’s plans change and a spot opens up last minute! My 2024-2025 retreat schedule will be released in early 2024..
*Spring 2024 retreat - I’m working on adding one 3-night retreat before school lets out for summer. Stay tuned!
*Weekly classes - I currently teach 2-3 times per week at Greensboro Power Yoga. Come practice with me at my favorite studio!